How to enable chrome dark mode

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Browsing the internet using the Chrome Light Theme for an extended period of time, especially in the evening, can put strain on your eyes. The Dark Theme is much easier on the eyes and can give them a much-needed break.

In this article, we will discuss how to enable the Google Chrome dark theme for the entire browser, without using any third-party apps or plugins. This method is effective in changing the theme to dark, even if the web page itself has a light theme, providing the best user experience. Without any further delay, let’s get started.

Activate the Chrome Dark Mode

We will be using Chrome flags to force Chrome into dark mode. These flags enable a variety of hidden Chrome features, and Dark Mode is one of them. To activate dark mode, open Chrome and type the URL below into the browser’s address bar, then press enter.

google chrome flags

The search will take you to the ‘Force Dark Mode for Web Contents’ setting. On the right side of the setting, click on the ‘Default’ dropdown. You will see different modes there. You can try them one by one, but I personally prefer the ‘Enable with increased text contrast’ mode. Once the mode is selected, Chrome will prompt you to relaunch the browser. Click on the ‘Relaunch’ button in the bottom right corner. It will automatically close and reopen the browser. Upon reloading, you will notice that all the tabs’ backgrounds have turned into dark mode, including the home page, Gmail, YouTube, etc.
select chrome dark mode
Here are a few screenshots of the Chrome Dark Mode when applied. The first one is Google Search
google search dark mode
Here is a screenshot of YouTube
youtube dark mode
And finally a screenshot of Gmail
gmail dark mode
Applying the Google Chrome Dark Mode not only looks cool but also gives a break to your eyes. Hope this article helps and you have enjoyed it.

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